Tuesday, February 7, 2012

(The Difference Between) Women and Bitches!!!!

Women won't be offended by anything said in this blog entry. Bitches on the other hand may become infuriated or enraged. If u are on the the fence or misguided and undecided about which one may best describe u, u may not wanna read this because it may have u feeling a certain kind of way. Especially if u realize in a negative way u are more so one than the other........

Things aren't always as they appear. Like most things and most people in life I had to learn this fact the hard way. For example, most people (men) don't know the difference between a Bitch and a Woman. It's honestly a common mistake. These days unfortunately it seems like Bitches have Women out numbered. There are subtle differences to be able to tell them apart. To the untrained eye, u may be oblivious to these obvious differences.

@ 100 I am an advocate and strong supporter of Women. I honestly feel like if there is anything better than a real woman God kept it for himself. On the flip side I despise dare I say hate Bitches. What unfortunately makes them hard to decipher is the fact that they are the same gender. Physically (where most get the assessment misconstrued) they are one in the same. Both blessed with a vagina, breast, tempting shapes etc. All the alluring feminine characteristics that usually get men tangled in their web. I have been exposed to some real women in my 33yrs on this earth but it pains me to say I have been exposed to way more Bitches than Women.

The mental is the defining characteristic. The mental is important because it is the vessel to the actions which is the best way to assess who is who and what is what. No matter what gender u are, in this world and this life u will always be defined by your actions. As a Man I am held accountable by my actions. If I choose not to handle my responsibilities or to not bring anything to the table or be self sufficient an any capacity, I would be looked at sideways. It's almost second nature these days to use the phrase "Only God Can Judge Me" but like most things in society there are loopholes to even that. Just like u can be labeled a hater because u are contrary to what the majority may think. I like anybody else am entitled to my "opinion". It stops being my "opinion" when a persons actions give it legs and turn it in to fact. U can be accused of being slanderous or a flat out liar about someone by that person but yet they continuously do things that prove u right about them. It's funny when your told your a liar by someone who makes a habit of lying to themselves. Go figure! But I digress.

The following is a way I now decipher 1 from the other (Women and Bitches)

Women are self sufficient,Bitches are constantly and purposely reliant on a man or whoever they can get over on. Women are loyal, Bitches go which ever way the wind blow.Women stand with u come hell or high water, Bitches will dessert u at the sight of what they deem a better opportunity. Women are lady like, Bitches are loud and ignorant acting. Women treat there vagina with care like a prized possession, Bitches treat there vagina like a prize to gain access to a mans possessions. Women are upfront and honest, Bitches are liars that are consciously and continuously deceitful. Women live with values and a code, Bitches conduct themselves like hoes. Women judge a man by his character and his actions and his views. Bitches judge a man by his car and the designer and size of his shoes. Women are shinning examples for their kids, Bitches offspring would be ashamed if they knew all the treacherous things they mama did. Women are sexxxy and irresistible, Bitches are lame and predictable

So to any and all females reading this I ask that u honestly assess yourself, when it comes to which one is U......

Any males reading this I encourage you to keep your eyes open and resources ready for a real woman and steer clear of the bitches (I know, easier said than done) (Try anyways).........


  1. :-) know which one I am sir! Well said

  2. I have and always will be that "Woman" my mother raised me to be!

  3. I couldn't have explained it no better !! 100% Women All Day Long !!!

  4. It's quite simple. The difference between a woman and a bitch is maturity. One day I hope bitches grow up and realize it.
